Sandra Ansorge Executive Coach

Sandra Ansorge Executive Coach
Sandra has over 20 years experience working in both the Corporate and Higher Education environments. She is passionate about the potential that lies within people. Sandra lives with her husband Christian and daughter Heidi and enjoys the outdoors that Cape Town has to offer.
Coaching Experience
Sandra established her coaching practice in 2006. She is accredited by the International Coaching Federation and has coached leaders from a range of diverse backgrounds and working
environments. She has extensive experience in facilitating coaching circles and communities of inquiry. Sandra is an associate of the Centre for Coaching and has over the years assisted faculty in a range of roles from external examiner, mentor and coach to various cohorts of students. Sandra has managed large corporate coaching contracts on behalf of clients and
introduced coaching into a range of leadership development programmes that she has facilitated. Some of her clients include, The SPAR Group Ltd, Nedbank, British American Tobacco. She has also supported the Allen Gray Orbis Foundation in a mentoring role.
Professional Qualifications
Sandra has been awarded her Professional Coaching Certification and been credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, after meeting their stringent credentialing criteria. She has completed the Coaching to Excellence; the Associate Coaching Programme and the Professional
Coaching Programme through formal coach schooling at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Cape Town run by their Centre for Coaching and New Ventures West (USA). Sandra also has a post graduate degree in Human Resource Development. She participates in
ongoing professional development to expand and deepen her coaching practice.These include skills obtained in using the Enneagram; Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment; Leadership Embodiment practices; TRE level 1 practitioner(trauma release exercises) and Ontological coaching in Action.
Director – Logistics
“The program that she helped develop was excellent and assisted me greatly during a very sensitive and stressful time in my career. She undertook the program with me with great, sensitivity, insight and wisdom. The program assisted me in putting certain areas of my life into context and become a better leader as a result of it. I have no hesitation in recommending Sandra for coaching in your organisation.”
Director – HR
“Sandra is highly professional. She prepares herself well and draws a clear programme of action for one to follow through on. She’s however at the same time flexible to allow the process unfold and take its course, but with some guidance of course. She’s forthright, however, candid and engaging in challenging me deal with those areas I found hard to tackle both at intra-personal and interpersonal levels. She’s empowering in her approach ~ she let’s and sometimes helped me work out issues on my own, thus affording me the space to own up and commit to my own development. She’s highly interested in one’s progress, i.e. she always looks forward to hear whether the tools suggested in a previous session were helpful and/or applicable in one’s environment and more importantly, how to stretch beyond… She provided me with good tools to enable me to reflect and be determined to take action in improving and developing on issues I needed to deal with. She’s helped me to be more in tune with my physical, psychological and physiological elements as I interface with different people and dealing with issues in different environments. She’s helped me to move from being too cautious and/or being fearful in addressing hurdles in my personal and career journey. Thus, to be more of a risk taker and explore my hidden potential and strengths.”