Executive Leadership Coach

5 Signs that You’re Ready for an Executive Leadership Coach
Smart executives realise they need support to take them higher up on the corporate ladder. Support can be be attending seminars or conferences to keep up with industry trends, attending leadership or executive coaching training programs, hiring a personal executive coach or reading a career coaching book.

Below are five reasons why an executive coaching and leadership training program
might be what you’re looking for.

You’re ready and willing to invest.
Hiring an executive coach requires time, money, and effort on your part. Don’t look at the investment you’re putting in, consider what you’ll be getting out in the long term. Once you implement the practices an executive or leadership coach will teach you, you can easily get many times return on your investment.

You’re ready to get your hands dirty.
Coaching only works if you’re willing to put in work yourself. Coaching is about taking action — it’s not like a therapy or counseling session where you just come in and talk. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and to get to work, then consider a professional executive coach.

You’re ready to set excuses aside.
An experienced executive coach has heard all the excuses and won’t let you get away with reasons and justifications for not being more proactive. Be accountable and remember that making excuses is only a waste of your own time and money.

You plan to stay the course.
Executive coaching is a not a quick fix solution. Understand the the results you desire will no happen immediately. It may take several coaching sessions to develop a solid plan of action to achieve your career goals.

You’re prepared to take risks.
Be willing to take risks and feel uncomfortable. You might be required to step out of your comfort zone in order to do what your executive coach expects.  If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get the same results. If you’re not ready to take a risk, don’t get frustrated with your lack of progress.

(With thanks to http://garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/articles/utilize-executive-coaching-for-career-success/leadership-executive-coach)