We all desire career success – the 7 tips below are a great way to start. Each tip can be used separately, but the best way forward it to use all of them in conjunction.
You can use these tips on your own but for quicker results consider working through them with a mentor or executive coach who is able to provide you with feedback and support.
- What do you love?
Identify the parts of your job that you enjoy the most and incorporate them more fully into your daily duties. We always do better at the things we enjoy so take on a new project or assist others whenever the tasks involved feeds your passion.
- Prioritize your most important activities
Prioritize the parts of your job that are the most important and learn how to focus more time and energy onto these tasks. Determine which other tasks could perhaps be delegated to others. Don’t allow the less significant parts of your job steal time away from those that are truly important.
- Get support
Find those people who show interest in you and your career and who can invest time in assisting you with your career. In turn, provide support for those who are below you on the ladder and help them to move up as well.
- Avoid stagnation
Take advantage of opportunities available to you. Advancing in your career doesn’t always need to be a move upwards – a lateral move could also provide an opportunity to polish skills, discover new ones, or utilise various talents that you possess. Don’t be afraid of taking those unexpected opportunities – growth is always better than stagnation.
- Feedback
Don’t wait for feedback to come to you – go out and ask for it. If you learn that something that needs improving, act on it quickly. Without being overbearing, make sure others in the company know about your achievements and what your impact is on the business. Don’t hide your desire for advancement.
- Provide clear career paths
Help your employees find opportunities where they can shine. Help them to understand what it takes to move forward in the company and then assist them in choosing their career path and achieving their goals. When your employees are shining, you shine too!
- Praise
Always appreciate the efforts of your staff. They need to know, as do you, that their work is valued and appreciated. When your employees feel appreciated for their work, it is likely that productivity and quality of work will improve significantly.
With thanks to – http://garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/articles/enhance-your-career/7-steps-to-career-success