Business Coaching Exercises

Are you looking for business coaching exercises from a properly qualified coach?

Business Coaching Exercises and Workshops Cape Town. Executive coaching, Coachways - Developing Potential in Business. Executive, business, life coaches, leadership training, facilitation, tension release exercises. Cape Town. coachways, coaching, developing potential, executive coaching, business coaching, facilitation, leadership coaching, life coaching, life coach, private life coach, the enneagram, tension release exercises, integral coach, trauma release exercises, group work, group interventions, explore potential, life solutions, leadership training, reaching your goals, team development, coaching circles, leadership development, cape town, sandra ansorge, business coach, executive coach, professional coaching, coaching cape, life coach cape town, business coach cape town, executive coach cape town, professional coach cape town, leadership coach cape town, coaching south africa, executive coaching south africa, sandra ansorge coach, sandra ansorge, tension release exercises cape, coaching workshops cape town, facilitation cape town, executive group workshop, executive group workshop cape town, learn to think, emotional wellness, work etiquette, problem solving, work problem solving, coachways, coaching, developing potential, executive coaching, business coaching, facilitation, leadership coaching, life coaching, life coach, private life coach, the enneagram, tension release exercises, integral coach, trauma release exercises, group work, group interventions, explore potential, life solutions, leadership training, reaching your goals, team development, coaching circles, leadership development, cape town, International Coaching Federation, sandra ansorge, business coach, executive coach, Professional Certified Coach, professional coaching, coaching cape, life coach cape town, business coach cape town, executive coach cape town, professional coach cape town, leadership coach cape town, coaching south africa, executive coaching south africa, sandra ansorge coach, professional business coaching program, business executive coaching, organisational excellence, executive coaching CEO, business mentor, mentor, business mentoring, individual coaching, coaching practice, coaching firm, executive coaching firm, leadership solutions, benefits of business coaching, consulting business coach, executive and board coaching, tension release exercises cape, coaching workshops cape town, facilitation cape town, executive group workshop, executive group workshop cape town, learn to think, emotional wellness, work etiquette, problem solving, work problem solving, coaching ethics, integral coaching johannesburg, integral coaching durban, integral coaching pretoria, executive coaching johannesburg, executive coaching durban, executive coaching pretoria, business goal development, business potential development, stress management, time management, business management, human resources management, staff management, staff development, staff training, staff workshops, staff training workshops, staff coaching workshops, team leadership, team training, team coaching, staff facilitation, staff coaching, staff behaviour, staff performance,An Integral coach works holistically with individuals to help them to fulfill their latent potential. I trained to become an Integral coach through New Ventures West (San Francisco) and, as one of forty-two South African coaches with Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I meet their stringent accreditation criteria and subscribe to their code of ethics.

By working deeply with a client’s way of being, I can help them to develop the competence needed to resolve any challenges. People from all walks of life consult with me – I see both corporate and private clients in my practice.

Implementing a coaching strategy?

I have extensive experience in assisting organizations in the implementation of their coaching strategy. This involves the development of coaching skills for line managers in workshops, coaching circles, and the provision of high calibre external coaching panels.

To see my full coaching profile, download this pdf now.

Coachways – We offer Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership and Life Coaching, Leadership Training, Coaching Workshops, Tension and Trauma Release Exercises, Facilitation and Team Development with the Enneagram. Integral Coach – Sandra Ansorge.

Business Coaching Exercises & Workshops Cape Town